Saturday, October 14, 2006

someThin' deVastatiN'

okay so now, it has been a boring day..
i was on the computer for the whole day- just to pass the time.
i was again playing chuzzle. and you know what? i really miss shopping haha it's like-almost 3 weeks that i have'nt shopped.

okay, so there was something devastating happend,
there was a strong typhoon that hit many areas-including our place. There was a big blackout here. Not brownout, but blackout. so many trees have fallen. We can see trees uprooted from every street that we go through . And of course some houses were destroyed. The blackout that happend here was so long, it took us about 4 weeks before we got our lights and water back. Yes, about 4 weeks, that long. It has been a challenge to me. I was so afraid of the dark before. But now, i think im allready used to the darkness! i can allready walk alone at night without strong light or someone with me. *haha*. The first day of the typhoon hitting us was on Sept. 29. Water came inside our house. Water falling fron the ceiling too. The wind was blowing so hard and rain was pouring louder and louder. After the typhoon, all of us got the colds. There was so much more that happend. But i can't express it in words. For the whole 3 weeks that we spent without electricity, we..well, I, still had fun. because the gathering that we made every night was fun, cuz' sometimes each one of us do diffrent things from each other. Like at night, my sister is in front of her loptop all night, my other sister-also in front of the computer, my Dad tallying up the money he and mom earned from "our business", and my mom sleeping or reading because of all the stress of "our business" (she's acctually the one "in charge" for our buisness, cuz' dad is with his work)...and I, walking around, with nothing to do...or sometimes watching T.V. :D ...
acctually, i allready miss that blackout after all. *sigh*

thanks for reading....haha

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