Sunday, October 15, 2006


U know whaT?

I Like music. .

but not pLaying mUsic. . .

oh shUcks, i am dead meat in daT sUbjeCT. . .

i dunno how 2 play da guiTar. . .

neiTher da drumS. . .

noR the baSe. . .

or the keYboArD. . .

i sUCK at mUsic. . .

thaT's whY i got an 80 on My caRd. . . .

Oh, shit!

I am stUpid at muSic. . .

thaT's the oNlY thiNg thaT i am sTupiD. . .

in other thiNgs, I rUle, and ur da sTUpid,


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