Saturday, October 14, 2006

PuPPiES oN tha Go

PUPPIES. . . The cUtesT thiNg ever!
I jUsT Love seeing cUte pUppIes LyiN' around. .
seeIn' theiR faCes makes mY frown tUrn to a SmiLe. . .

PuPPiEs. . yeS, iT is a huMan's beSt FriENd. .
IF U tEll theM a sEcReT, thEY won't bLab it.
Yes, thEY are a TrUE fRIeND. . . welL, of courSe thEy cAn't
BLab abOuT it beCausE they're doGs, aren't thEY??

Awwww, pUppiES. . dEaR liTTLe cReaTuRE. .
What's the BeST thiNg thaN see Them RuNning aNd paNting at exCiTemeNT oF seeiNg u. . . TheIr TaiLs wagging. . .
TheIR noSe in da aiR, sniFFiNg EVerYthin'..eveN The aT thiNGs thAt you leaSt ExPect theM to. .

PuPPies. . .
we caN't haRM the creAtUre can'T we?
My heaRT meLts. . . awww. . their sooo cUte. .
I soo love them. . .
NeveR giVe ur pUppY a choCOLaTe, it caN kiLL theM.!!
now, giVe ur doG a nuZZLe. .

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