Saturday, December 02, 2006

hu wants chocolates? i do!

who hates chocolates?
i cant think of n e one whose not absorbed by tha chocolate's hypnotism power. . .
its addictiveLy yummy. . .
whaTs tha facts about chocolates?

* chocolates are poisonous to animaLs such as dogs, cats, horses, and parrots.
maybe you've heard about this myth? and you wondered if it's true?
yes it is. . Indeed. My neighbor's dog had died because of chocoLates.
Why? because tha chocolate contains theobromine that is considered as toxic to tha animals that were specified above, because they are unable to metabolise tha
chemicaL effectiveLy.
so, now,, resist tha urge to feed ur peT chocoLates. . .
weLL,, u dont wanna see ur pooch dying ayt?
* chocolates are also known for causing acne. .. though,, there was no confirmaTion
about this case. Though,, studies saY It is not tha chocoLate
itseLf that causes acne,, but rather tha miLk with which tha chocoLate
is mixed.
*chocoLates aLso has heaLth benefits!
U can geT a rich source oF flavanoids epicatechin and gaLLic acid
which r thought to process cardio protective propeRties.
and it aLso possess antioxidant protecting against LDL oxidaTion.
whew! preTTy Long,, riTe?? now,, u go guRl, enjoy ur Life,, and go grab a yummy chocoLate,, or jusT have a chocoLate drink,, bUt,, remember,, eaT chocoLates moderateLy, cause'
getting hooked on sweets is a threat in ur heaLthy lifestyle.
its fuNNy when tha bLog's name is lemon,, but I'm blabbing about chocoLates. . .
shouLd i rather be researching bout lemonades?

1 comment:

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