Saturday, September 02, 2006

it seems like it was just yesterday..

A star fish! we found it in the sandy beach(es) of Matabunkay.. actually, this photo was taken on the year 2004 *hehe*
but I remember it like it was just yesterday.
Me and my family went to "Matabunkay resort" for vacation, we stayed there for about 2 days. (1 night and 2 days)

It was very fun! We saw so much starfish.. their wonderful! There is a pool and a beach in the resort. also cottages.
When i got home i was allready sunburned *haha* I forgot to wear some sunblock lotion on the last day! But it was still fun.

I hope I could go back there someday..


hi there!

Hey! Twixzy typing.. It's a boring saturday.. AGAIN! Ugh! I wanna buy more clothes, cause' I dunno what 2 wear in our Upcoming retreat/reco. It seems like my wardrobe barfed up! I don't have clothes to wear! I MUST SHOP in SUPERBENCH.. they have a lot of glam clothes!


well it's me brielle, here i searched very hard for this photo so don't copy it pleeeease :P
anyway, nice pic. isn't it? want a glass of lemonade?

Friday, September 01, 2006

bored uhh...


feeling: soo bored
im so bored,
I have nothing to do, so i came up with the idea that i will
write another entry instead..
well, while im here.. i will give out some websites that i know *smiles*
..exept those that i found personaly *teeheehee*
for those who are.. umm.. also bored like me :D :P (haha) -ooh check this out!

well gotta go :)
send me a comment k?
luv yah

heYYa... YEAH, Like what my friend said, we're running this blog.. The 2 of us.. The weird thing is.... Where's the title icon?? What is wrong with this blog? OH GOD! Joke..
hi people!!!

actually there are 2 people running this blog.. mee and my friend.
well feel free to browse, please send me a comment..
ooh! if you want to..umm..send us an e-mail or anything, this is our e-mail address : thanks!